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  • Build a positive personal and professional image

The 3 top elements for building a positive image

Look the part and act the part

Your image is a powerful tool you can use to manage the way people perceive you personally and professionally.

Appearance: the clothes you wear & grooming

Appearance, in general, is related to the clothes you wear. Clothes that fit properly, look neat and in good condition, color and prints coordination, are the elements that reveal a lot about the wearer. But clothes are not the only aspect of creating a great appearance.

Grooming plays a considerable role in your physical appearance. Having a good grooming routine and wearing clothes that fit well build the whole physical appearance.

Behavior: how you conduct yourself

How you act and how you look must be in perfect harmony with the image you want to convey.

Behavior is a way to protect your most impactful image. Showing good manners and having elementary knowledge of etiquette reveals a person who tries to succeed and evolve in all aspects.

How you act and how you look must be in perfect harmony with the image you want to convey.

Behavior is a way to protect your most impactful image. Showing good manners and having elementary knowledge of etiquette reveals a person who tries to succeed and evolve in all aspects.

Communication: what you say and how you say it

A great conversationalist knows what to say and how to say it at the right moment. Choosing your words carefully and tailoring the vocabulary to the audience, people will perceive you as personable and approachable, and you may create a lasting positive impression.

Therefore, the words you use to communicate influence the image you want to project.

Apply the ABC of personal image, appearance, behavior, communication, in your daily life and you will see that you will look more attractive, feel confident, and more appreciated not only the way you look but also for your abilities and character.


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