fashion style

Style Personality
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How to master your style successfully

Mastering your style doesn’t happen overnight, and it doesn’t happen by chance.

Simplicity – Complexity – Simplicity is the formula to start with and master your style.

  1. Start simple when you begin your journey towards mastering your style. Learn how to wear the basics: a tee with a pair of jeans and sneakers. Play dress up and down with accessories swapping sneakers with heels and adding a personal touch with accessories.
  2. Then take a step forward and learn a more sophisticated way to refine your style. Start layering clothes wearing a blazer or a button down shirt over a basic tee. Learn about proportions and how to mix and match colors and textures.
    At this stage, you start learning advanced tricks such as a third layer always elevate the look, mixing patterns give the chic factor to any outfit, finishing the look with a contrasting bag or shoes is a modern approach for a classic outfit.
  3. Finally, after you master those tricks, you become confident about your style. You can perfect both the basics and the advanced steps well, so they become instinctual skills helping you to evolve your style.
    As you established the foundation of your style, you will be able to put together essential clothing and transform them quickly into an up to date outfit.

How you can master your style:

You have to want to, to set your mind and to take action in your journey to finding and mastering your style.


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