fashion style

Style Personality
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  • White and gold accessories
  • Mix textures and shades
  • White coat
  • White suit
  • White jeans
  • White accessories
  • White and black accessories
  • White t-shirt
  • White tones with beige
White and gold accessories Mix textures and shades White coat White suit White jeans White accessories White and black accessories White t-shirt White tones with beige

How to wear white like a pro in the winter season

You can’t go wrong with white in winter! It’s classic, universally flattering, and can be dressed up or down depending on your mood and style. In addition, the crisp and neutral hue makes every ensemble look seriously elegant and luxurious.

However, for those who are not yet confident of putting on a whole ensemble in the white shades, I have a few simple tips to help you pull off a white outfit.

Styling tips

Mix & Match Textures

  • Mix and match cozy and soft fabrics and textures such as knits, cashmere, shearling, faux fur, and denim.
  • One way to create a fashionable outfit this winter is to style a white ribbed knit set with a coat and shiny gold accessories.

Mix White Shades

  • Play with different shades of white within your outfits, such as oatmeal, almond, cream, and beige.
  • Whether it’s a romantic dinner or a lunch with friends, opt for coordinate sets in shades of eggshell or off-white that will have you looking chic from head to toe.
  • Keep the rest of the look minimal, letting the unexpected winter hue speak for itself.

Statement White Coat

  • A statement-long white coat makes every outfit look elegant and luxurious.
  • Wearing a white coat is often perceived as a sign of affluence, which prompts people to trust you.
  • Also, you look confident and charming, which helps you be seen positively by others.

White Suit

  • Pairing a white suit with black can look stylish if done correctly.
  • The key is to keep the overall look cohesive and complementary.
  • You can add a pair of gold pumps with subtle gold jewelry but make sure the rest of your outfit is simple and elegant.

White Jeans

  • White jeans are always flattering, and they look fresh in winter.
  • Style white jeans with beige or tan layers for an interesting aesthetic combination.
  • Add texture with a wool coat, chunky sweater, and suede or leather accessories.

White Accessories

  • A white stole is a timeless yet unexpected accessory that will steal the spotlight.
  • It’s a classic accessory that can add an unexpected twist to your dress style.
  • Use it as a shawl, scarf, or even as a poncho, and your style will be unforgettable.

Layering Whites

  • Layering whites create an effortless elegance, and the secret to wearing white is layering, and the more layers, the more flattering the outfit.
  • Break up the look with black accessories to add a certain edginess to a classic style.

Classic White Tee

  • Style a white t-shirt with silhouettes that are laid back and relaxed.
  • Style a loose-fit t-shirt with high-waisted pants, a soft and cozy coat, and fewer accessories.

White offers three benefits: it’s visually flattering, it’s seasonless, and it’s a great way to make the entire look more elegant and classy.


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