fashion style

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  • Polka dot bow tie blouse
  • Cropped pants
  • Pantyhose
  • Pumps
  • Jewlery
  • Scarf
  • Small pastel bag
Polka dot bow tie blouse Cropped pants Pantyhose Pumps Jewlery Scarf Small pastel bag

How to wear business attire with a feminine flair

Working women should dress smartly to be taken seriously, but not so masculine they threaten male colleagues, dressing feminine enough to be appealing to men without being provocative.


Wearing menswear-inspired pieces boosts confidence and creates a manly feeling that a woman can handle all situations.
Yet persisting in this style, a woman may risk losing her feminine look, negatively impacting her career in the long run. If you try to emulate your male colleagues, they may perceive you as a competitor instead of a coworker. It’s an instinct that men have preserved for thousands of years related to maintaining and projecting the alpha male characteristics.

But don’t forget that feminine quality can help you in your career! If you want to be successful, you don’t have to look like somebody else. Instead, try to balance femininity with the image of a powerful and decisive woman by showing your qualities.

I have compiled some feminine elements to add when wearing masculine garments.

Add a feminine blouse

Wear a feminine blouse with polka dots or floral print with a bow tie underneath a blazer to counterbalance the masculinity of the suit, projecting a soft feminine charm. 

Play with trouser length

Pair cropped pants with a matching blazer for a modern and pulled-together look or you can cuff the pants to show off your ankles. 

Wear tights

A skirt suit with pantyhose is always appealing, and it adds that extra feminine note to your outfit.

Wear heels

A pair of classic pumps or sling-back heels will give you that extra height and a naturally feminine walk.

Complement your outfit with jewelry

A simple pair of earrings, a pearl strand necklace, or a bracelet gives a feminine touch to the entire look.

Add a scarf

A scarf is the most simple way of adornment that adds a personal touch to any look and lends a feminine touch. 


Small and soft pastel colors bags are the ultimate fashion accessories for a modern business look and add a feminine touch to a crisp suit.

Create a style that complements the image of a lady and the character of a businesswoman.


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