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Body language and coronavirus

Exceptional situations require adjusting manners!  It’s human nature to be concerned with our well-being. We should be all preoccupied with our health and safety space, especially now with the proliferation of coronavirus.

We can’t avoid interacting with people, but we can take extra measures of prevention. We can skip the classic handshake and have a mutual agreement using body language such as:

• Nod your head or bow when approaching someone.
• Keep direct eye-contact.
• Use facial expressions: smile.
•Use simple gestures: lean over, slightly incline your head.
• Pay attention to the tone of voice: pitch, volume, clarity.
• “Speak” through your posture: take control of your body and adopt a stance that conveys the right information to your audience.
• Be aware of the personal space: you may keep the distance a little further than usual.

Be attentive to your audience’s body language, and make sure it resonates with yours.
Adapt your manners if necessary, and make sure you get positive feedback from your audience.

Body language can prove to be a powerful tool in your finding arsenal during the coronavirus outbreak.


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