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  • Personal Style

How To Craft The Story Behind Your Personal Style

How you present to the world is your destiny, is your armor.

Your personal style is your image, your destiny, and your armor. Your style is what you use to communicate with the world, and it’s how people will judge you at first glance.

Every time you pick out a suit for work or decide what to wear for a party, you’re telling everyone around you who you are, what matters to you, and what makes you feel like the best version of yourself.

It’s also a way of showing who you are as a person. Every piece of clothing you choose to wear has a story, and that story is yours. So what you wear is a way to tell the world who you are, and it helps shape your image and how you want to be perceived.

Here are a few tips for crafting that story:

  1. Create a style that works for you and not against you. For example, if you love bright colors and patterns, don’t shy away from them just because they’re “too much.” If they make you feel like yourself, they belong in your wardrobe.
  2. Make your wardrobe work for you. Are you uncomfortable in skirts? Don’t buy any. Do you hate wearing heels? Then don’t! It’s totally okay to mix business with pleasure—it may seem like there’s a strict dress code at work, but if you find pieces that work for you and make everyone happy, then everyone wins.
  3. Be consistent with the message you’re sending out into the world. When your clothes reflect what’s going on inside, people pick up on it! Likewise, you’ll feel more comfortable in your skin when everything about who you are is reflected back at you.

Your personal style is a chance to make your personality shine through. It’s the way you can connect with the world around you and let them know what makes you unique. Whatever your style says about you, make sure that it accurately represents who you are and how you want people to see you.


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